User interface, using GTK.


type Element
A user interface element is something that goes inside a window.

run : Action Element -> Element
Element that runs an Action first.

blank : Element
Blank element

draw : WholeRef +((Integer, Integer) -> Drawing) -> Element
Drawable element

unitCheckBox : WholeRef +Text -> WholeRef () -> Element

checkBox : WholeRef +Text -> WholeRef Boolean -> Element
Checkbox. Use shift-click to set to unknown.

textEntry : WholeRef Text -> Element
Text entry, unknown reference will be interpreted as empty text, but the element will not delete the reference.

textArea : WholeRef Text -> Element
Text area, unknown reference will be interpreted as empty text, but the element will not delete the reference.

label : WholeRef +Text -> Element

horizontal : [(Boolean, Element)] -> Element
Items arranged horizontally, each flag is whether to expand into remaining space.

vertical : [(Boolean, Element)] -> Element
Items arranged vertically, each flag is whether to expand into remaining space.

notebook : WholeRef -Integer -> [(Element, Element)] -> Element
A notebook of pages. First of each pair is for the page tab (typically a label), second is the content.

button : WholeRef +Text -> WholeRef +(Action Any) -> Element
A button with this text that does this action. Button will be disabled if the action reference is unknown.

pick : WholeRef +[(Entity & a, Text)] -> WholeRef {a,+Entity} -> Element
A drop-down menu.

listTable : [(WholeRef +Text, a -> WholeRef +Text)] -> ListRef {+Entity,+a} -> (a -> Action Any) -> Maybe (WholeRef {a,+Entity}) -> Element
A list table. First arg is columns (name, property), second is list-reference of items, third is the action for item activation, fourth is an optional reference for the selected row.

calendar : WholeRef Date -> Element
A calendar.

scrolled : Element -> Element
A scrollable container.

dynamic : WholeRef +Element -> Element
An element that can be updated to different UIs.

name : Text -> Element -> Element
An element with name set. You can use something like #text to refer to it in the CSS style-sheet.

styleClass : Text -> Element -> Element
An element with CSS class set. You can use something like .text to refer to all elements in this class in the CSS style-sheet.

styleSheet : WholeRef +Text -> Element -> Element
An element with a CSS style-sheet (applied to the whole tree of elements). See the GTK+ CSS overview and properties for how this works.

type MenuItem
A item of a menu.

menuSeparator : MenuItem
Separator menu item.

menuSubmenu : Text -> [MenuItem] -> MenuItem
Submenu menu item.

menuAction : Text -> Maybe Text -> WholeRef +(Action Any) -> MenuItem
Action menu item. Item will be disabled if the action reference is unknown.


type Window
A user interface window.

openWindow : (Integer, Integer) -> WholeRef +Text -> WholeRef +[MenuItem] -> Element -> Action Window
Open a new window with this size, title and element.

closeWindow : Window -> Action ()
Close a window.

showWindow : Window -> Action ()
Show a window.

hideWindow : Window -> Action ()
Hide a window.

exitUI : Action ()
Exit the user interface.