Organise people and organisations. Makes use of dynamic types.
import "pinafore-gnome", "UILib" in
with GTK., UILib. in
run.Context $ fn context =>
Mk.UI.Named = mk.UI.Named context;
# something with a lifespan
opentype Lifespanned;
# birth and death dates
birthDateOf = property @Lifespanned @Date !"" store;
deathDateOf = property @Lifespanned @Date !"" store;
# physical locations, that have addresses
opentype Location;
namespace Location of
addressOf = property @Location @Text !"location.address.withincity" store;
phoneOf = property @Location @Text !"location.telephone" store;
cityOf = property @Location @Text !"" store;
postcodeOf = property @Location @Text !"location.address.postcode" store;
provinceOf = property @Location @Text !"location.address.province" store;
countryOf = property @Location @Text !"" store;
locationUI: WholeModel +Location -> Widget =
fn loc =>
layoutGrow.Widget $ labelled.Widget {"Address: "} $ textArea.Widget (fromWhole.TextModel $ addressOf.Location !$% loc),
labelled.Widget {"City: "} $ textEntry.Widget $ cityOf.Location !$% loc,
labelled.Widget {"Postcode/ZIP: "} $ textEntry.Widget $ postcodeOf.Location !$% loc,
labelled.Widget {"State/Province: "} $ textEntry.Widget $ provinceOf.Location !$% loc,
labelled.Widget {"Country: "} $ textEntry.Widget $ countryOf.Location !$% loc,
labelled.Widget {"Phone: "} $ textEntry.Widget $ phoneOf.Location !$% loc
# a person or organisation
dynamictype Contact;
subtype Contact <: Named;
subtype Contact <: Lifespanned;
emailOf = property @Contact @Text !"" store;
phoneOf = property @Contact @Text !"contact.telephone" store;
homeOf = property @Contact @Location !"being.location" store;
contactSet: FiniteSetModel Contact =
property @Contact @Unit !"type.legalentity" store !@ {()};
# a person
dynamictype Person = !"type.person";
subtype Person <: Contact;
peopleSet: FiniteSetModel Person =
maybeMap.FiniteSetModel (check @Person) contactSet;
# family relationships between people
motherOf = property @Person @Person !"" store;
fatherOf = property @Person @Person !"" store;
childrenSet: WholeModel +Person -> FiniteSetModel Person =
fn p => (motherOf !@% p) <:|:> (fatherOf !@% p);
marriedOf = property @Person @Boolean !"" store;
# employment relationship
employerOf = property @Person @Contact !"relation.employer" store;
employeeSet: WholeModel +Contact -> FiniteSetModel Person =
fn p => employerOf !@% p;
# an organisation
dynamictype Organisation = !"type.organisation";
subtype Organisation <: Contact;
organisationSet: FiniteSetModel Organisation =
property @Organisation @Unit !"type.organisation" store !@ {()};
### User Interface
let rec
contactPages: WholeModel +Contact -> List (Widget *: Widget) =
fn er =>
page.Widget {"Social"} $ vertical.Widget
labelled.Widget {"Email: "} $ textEntry.Widget $ emailOf !$% er,
labelled.Widget {"Phone: "} $ textEntry.Widget $ phoneOf !$% er
page.Widget {"Home"} $ locationUI $ homeOf !$% er
personPages: WholeModel +Person -> List (Widget *: Widget) =
fn p =>
page.Widget {"Work"} $ vertical.Widget
labelled.Widget {"Employer: "} $ pick.Widget (byName contactSet) $ employerOf !$% p
page.Widget {"Family"} $ familyUI p
familyUI: WholeModel +Person -> Widget =
fn p =>
labelled.Widget {"Birth: "} $ textEntry.Widget $ reverse.Prism asText.Date !$ birthDateOf !$% p,
labelled.Widget {"Death: "} $ textEntry.Widget $ reverse.Prism asText.Date !$ deathDateOf !$% p,
checkBox.Widget {"Married"} $ marriedOf !$% p,
labelled.Widget {"Mother: "} $ pick.Widget (byName peopleSet) $ motherOf !$% p,
labelled.Widget {"Father: "} $ pick.Widget (byName peopleSet) $ fatherOf !$% p,
label.Widget {"Children:"},
layoutGrow.Widget $ toWidget.SetWidget $ namedTable (childrenSet p) contactUI
organisationPages: WholeModel +Organisation -> List (Widget *: Widget) =
fn subj =>
page.Widget {"Employees"} $ toWidget.SetWidget $ namedTable (employeeSet subj) contactUI
contactUI: Contact -> Widget =
fn c =>
pages: List (Widget *: Widget) =
contactPages {c} <>.List (c >- match
p:? Person => personPages {p};
o:? Organisation => organisationPages {o};
labelled.Widget {"Name: "} $ textEntry.Widget $ nameOf !$% {c},
layoutGrow.Widget $ notebook.Widget unknown pages
contactsPresentation: SetPresentation Contact =
Mk.SetPresentation of
setName = "Contacts";
itemSet = contactSet;
newItems =
Mk.NewItem of name = "New Person"; mkey = Just "Ctrl+K"; newItem = new.DynamicEntity @Person end,
Mk.NewItem of name = "New Organisation"; newItem = new.DynamicEntity @Organisation end
itemPane = namedPane contactUI;
setWidget = namedTable contactSet contactUI;
contactsWindow: Action Window =
p <- presentSetWithItem contactsPresentation;
paneWindow p;
in contactsWindow