Getting Started



Pinafore is available for 64-bit Ubuntu 22.04 and later, and Debian 12 and later. The release page includes:

  • a Debian package for the Pinafore interpreter

  • an extension for Visual Studio Code

  • a Pygments lexer

Installing the Debian package will put the intepreter in /usr/bin/pinafore.


For Nix, use this flake: git+ Use these package outputs:

  • default or pinafore: the Pinafore interpreter

  • vscode-extension: an extension for Visual Studio Code, suitable for adding to programs.vscode.extensions in your Home Manager configuration

  • vscode-extension-file: the extension as a VSIX file, you will have to rename the result file link to have a .vsix extension to install it.


Try running one of the example files. Copy/paste this example to contacts and run this:

chmod 755 contacts

Alternatively, if you’re curious about the type system, try running in interactive mode.

pinafore -i