
Any and None

For all types T, None <: T and T <: Any.

Data Types

Data types can be declared with the datatype keyword. The declaration specifies the constructors of the type. Each constructor has a name, which starts with a capital letter. These names are in the namespace created by the name of the type.

There are two kinds of constructor, plain and record. A datatype declaration can mix plain and record constructors.

Data types are not subtypes of Entity and are not storable, except with the storable keyword (see below).

Plain Constructors

A plain constructor consists of its name, and a list of zero or more ambipolar types, with no free type variables besides parameters.

Here’s an example of a type with two constructors, Mk1.T and Mk2.T:

datatype T of
    Mk1 (Integer -> List Integer);
    Mk2 Integer Text;

Record Constructors

A record constructor consists of its name, and a list of zero or more members in an ofend block.

A member consists of a name and a positive type (which may have free type variables), and optionally a “default” value.

Here’s an example of a type with a record constructor with three members:

datatype T of
    Mk of
        f: List a -> Maybe a;
        g: Text -> Action Unit;
        h: Integer *: Integer = (100, 50);

To create a value of the type T using its record constructor Mk.T, set the member values inside ofend, like this:

t: T =
Mk.T of
    f = match [] => Nothing; a :: _ => Just a; end;
    g = outputLn.Env.;
    h = (52,1);

Alternatively, you can omit ofend and instead bring values matching its members into scope, like this:

t: T =
    f = match [] => Nothing; a :: _ => Just a; end;
    g = outputLn.Env.;
    h = (52,1);
in Mk.T;

If a member has a default value, then you can omit it:

t: T =
Mk.T of
    f = match [] => Nothing; a :: _ => Just a; end;
    g = outputLn.Env.;

Values can be retrieved by matching the constructor, like this:

tg: T -> Text -> Action Unit =
fn Mk.T => g;

Record Inheritance

A datatype T can inherit from one or more supertypes S1, S2, etc. provided that:

  • Supertypes S1, S2, etc. are datatypes without type parameters.

  • All contructors of T are record constructors.

  • Every record constructor of T mentions a record constructor from each supertype S1, S2, etc.

This will give T <: S1, T <: S2, etc. However, note that unlike classes in languages such as Java, these conversions are not injective, the greatest dynamic supertype of T is still T, and no downcasting is possible.

Here’s an example:

datatype S1 of
    Mk of
        p: Rational;
        q: Text -> Text;

datatype S2 of
    Mk of
        r: Action Unit;

datatype T <: S1 & S2 of
    Mk of
        x: Number;

All members of each mentioned supertype constructor will be in the defined constructor. In this case, the constructor Mk.T has members p, q, r, x.

Member Refinement

It is possible to refine the type of a constructor member, with a type that subsumes to previous type. For example:

datatype S of
    Mk of
        n: Rational;
        f: Text -> Text;

datatype T <: S of
    Mk of
        n: Integer;
        f: a -> a;

In this case, constructor Mk.T has two members, n and f, of types that subsume to the corresponding types in Mk.S.

If a same member name is defined in constructors from two different supertypes, the member must be defined in the type as well.

Multiple Inheritance Diamonds

Multiple inheritance “diamonds” are permitted, provided they are consistent.

For example, this is consistent:

datatype A of
    Mk1 of
    Mk2 of

datatype B <: A of
    Mk1 of
    Mk2 of

datatype C <: A of
    Mk1 of
    Mk2 of

datatype D <: B & C of
    Mk of

However, this would be inconsistent:

datatype D <: B & C of
    Mk of

This is because the conversions D <: B <: A and D <: C <: A would be different.


Datatypes can take parameters. The variance of each parameter is specified like this:

  • +a for covariant

  • -a for contravariant

  • {-p,+q} or {+q,-p} for a contravariant-covariant pair.

For example:

datatype D +a -b {-p,+q} of
    Mk1 (b -> [a]);
    Mk2 (p *: b -> q);


It is possible to declare subtypes within a datatype declaration. For example:

datatype P -x +y of
    Mk (x -> y);
    subtype datatype Q of
        Mk (x -> Integer) y;

This creates types P and Q.P, as well as constructors Mk.P and Mk.Q.P.

This will give Q.P <: P as well as D(Q.P) = D(P).

Storable types

Certain types can be represented as subjects and values in the triple-store. These types are called storable. All storable types are subtypes of Entity.

Storable types include literal types, open entity types, and storable data types. Storable data types include lists, maybes, products, and sums of storable types, as well as declared storable data types.


The Entity type represents a 256-bit hash (using the BLAKE3 hashing algorithm).


The Literal type represents a byte-array in which MIME-type and contents are encoded. Thus, at run-time (“dynamically”) it is possible to enquire into the subtype of a Literal, using the greatest-dynamic-supertype mechanism.

Literal <: Entity

Unit <: Literal

Boolean <: Literal

Ordering <: Literal

Number <: Literal

Text <: Literal

Time <: Literal

Duration <: Literal

Date <: Literal

TimeOfDay <: Literal

LocalTime <: Literal


Maybe +a

Maybe Entity <: Entity.

Constructors & Functions

Just: a -> Maybe a
Nothing: Maybe None


List +a

List1 +a

List1 a <: List a

List Entity <: Entity.

Constructors & Functions

[]: List None
fn x, y => x::y: a -> List a -> List1 a

Cartesian Products

+a *: +b

Entity *: Entity <: Entity.

There are no higher-arity tuples than pair.

Constructors & Functions

fn x, y => (x, y): a -> b -> a *: b
fst: a *: Any -> a
snd: Any *: b -> b

Cartesian Sums

+a +: +b

Entity +: Entity <: Entity.

Constructors & Functions

Left: a -> a +: None
Right: b -> None +: b

Storable Data Types

Storable data types can be declared with the datatype storable keywords. The declaration specifies the constructors of the type. They are similar to plain data types, but each constructor has an anchor, and field types are all subtypes of Entity. Like plain data types, storable data types can have type parameters, but they must all be covariant.

Each constructor has a name, a list of zero or more types (each a subtype of Entity), and an anchor.

datatype storable Patient of
    LivingPatient Person Date !"Patient.LivingPatient";
    DeadPatient Person Date Date !"Patient.DeadPatient";

patientPerson: Patient -> Person =
    LivingPatient p _ => p;
    DeadPatient p _ _ => p;

Each constructor is anchored by its anchor and its count of types. Constructors can be added or removed from a storable data type without affecting the anchoring of existing constructors in the type.

Like plain datatypes, storable datatypes permit subtypes in their definitions:

let rec
    datatype storable L +x of
        Nil !"L.Nil";
        subtype datatype storable L1 of
            Cons x (L x) !"L.Cons";

Open Entity Types

An open entity type is a type to which new entities can be added at run-time. These types can be declared using opentype, and subtype relations between them can be declared using subtype:

opentype Animal;
opentype Person;
opentype Cat;
subtype Person <: Animal;
subtype Cat <: Animal;

For any open entity type T, T <: Entity.

Subtype Relations

Subtype relations can be declared with subtype:

subtype P <: Q;

where Q is an open entity type, and P is a “simple” entity type, that is, a subtype of Entity that does not use type parameters. So opentype Integer <: Q is allowed, but opentype Maybe Integer <: Q is not (even though Maybe Integer is a subtype of Entity).

Subtypes relations are transitive. If there is a loop of subtype relations, it will simply make those types equivalent.

Dynamic Entity Types

A dynamic entity is an entity that stores its own “concrete type” (as an anchor). You can think of the DynamicEntity type as a (DynamicType, value) pair of anchors.

Dynamic entity types are subtypes of DynamicEntity, declared by the dynamictype keyword. Each one represents a set of concrete types.

A concrete dynamic entity type represents a single concrete type. These can be declared like this:

dynamictype Human = !"type.human";

An abstract dynamic entity type represents a set of concrete types. These can be declared like this:

dynamictype Mammal;

An abstract dynamic entity type is initially empty, but concrete types can be added to the set using subtype relations:

subtype Human <: Mammal;
dynamictype Cat = !"type.cat";
subtype Cat <: Mammal;
dynamictype Dog = !"type.dog";
subtype Dog <: Mammal;

Subtype relations can also be declared between abstract dynamic entity types:

dynamictype Animal;
subtype Mammal <: Animal;

Thus, the behaviour of an abstract dynamic entity type depends on which subtype relations are in scope.

The greatest dynamic supertype of all dynamic entity types is DynamicEntity. So you can use check, coerce, and pattern-matching to convert between them.

describeAnimalType :: Animal -> Text =
    h:? Human => "Human";
    c:? Cat => "Cat";
    d:? Dog => "Dog";

To create new values of a concrete dynamic entity type at runtime, you can use new.DynamicEntity. Or, you can declare them statically with point.DynamicEntity.


-a -> +b

As in Haskell, functions are pure.


Action +a

Roughly equivalent to the Haskell IO a.

Actions can stop (using stop), which is a kind of exception. Stops can be caught with onstop. Runners of an action that stops, such as the main program, or the handler of a button press, will silently catch the stop.


ModelOrder -a

An order on a type. Can order by properties.

Every order (comparison function) is a ModelOrder:

a -> a -> Ordering <: ModelOrder a

Model Types

Models (of the various model types) keep track of updates, and will update user interfaces constructed from them when their value changes.

Whole Models

WholeModel {-p,+q}

A whole model a mutable value, that is, something that can be fetched, set, and deleted, either by functions (get, :=, delete), or by a user interface.

Whole models may be “unknown”, indicating a missing value. Fetching the value with get will cause a stop.

Set Models

SetModel -a

A set model is a mutable predicate, like a test on values. Values can be added to it or deleted from it.

Finite Set Models

FiniteSetModel {-p,+q}

Finite set models are set models:

FiniteSetModel -a <: SetModel a

Finite set models contain a finite number of members, which can be retrieved.


Property {-ap,+aq} {-bp,+bq}